Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Me, a solo? You've got to be kidding!

The director of the group I sing with every Tuesday morning approached me this last week and asked if I would prepare to sing a solo number with the group.  You could have knocked me over with a cotton ball.  You see besides being shy I have a relatively soft voice.  And my Parkinson's Disease is making it even softer.  But Donna is not one to take a simple "I'd rather not."  Instead, she said, "Go ahead and pick one out.  It's not like you can't say no later!"  So I asked  if there were any restrictions and she said it should be a number that is in her collection of music, my collection, or just something we know.  In other words, pretty much anything.

Our "theme" this semester is "moisture".  As soon as I got home I started looking through my music books, quickly finding three numbers that at least brushed against that theme: Singing in the Rain, September in the Rain, and Catch a Falling Star (save it for a rainy day).  If I can get it to work, I'd really like to do Catch a Falling Star with some or all of the group singing the backup (echo) part.  Should be an interesting experience.

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