Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Another (welcome) baby boy!

I know. I know. Having amniocentesis and ultrasound imaging for a fetus is so old hat that patients just assume they will get them. But to an old timer like me, it is all still pretty much a miracle.

(click on the picture to see a larger image.) This picture of Ed and Tiffany's 3rd baby is brought to you courtesy of Kaiser Medical System and the parents, of course. I won't pretend to know what I'm seeing in this image but we are told by the professionals that this is indeed a baby boy that Tiffany is expecting in late spring. He appears healthy and growing well. It also looks like he has all the important parts.

Stay tuned as we watch the progress of Baby #3 (name to be decided later). And congratulations Tiffany and Ed.

1 comment:

  1. Geez, whaddaya gotta do to get another girl in this family?
