Friday, April 24, 2009

Helping Out Grandma

It isn't every day that your 9-year old grandson calls and asks, "Grandma, is there anything I can do around your house to help out?" After a little back and forth we decided he could vacuum the house using our built-in vacuum system. And if he had time he could use of "flip" floor scrubber to clean the tile in the kitchen. He did a pretty good job without whining or having to be overly supervised. Afterward we took him to Costco with us for a pizza lunch.

He wanted to stay at our place for as long as possible but finally Carolyn had to take him back to his own home and do his chores there.


  1. So why was he asking for work to do? Cub scout project?

  2. Or to get out of his own chores (or away from this brothers)?

  3. I think it was a little of both suggestions that Anonymous made. Maybe with a little bit of curiosity at what a whole house vacuum is like to actually run.
