Friday, January 22, 2010

Zero tolerance policy

Every time I see or hear the words "Zero Tolerance" I get so angry.  It can relate to businesses or government entities but it  usually refers to schools or school districts having "zero tolerance" for guns, drugs, gang behavior, or "offensive" clothing.  Recently I heard of a school board wanting to prohibit Facebook communication between teachers and students.  Undoubtedly this will be a zero tolerance rule as well.

I think ZT is a lazy man's justice.  You don't have to think about the context or mitigating factors.  It's simply "If A, then B".  ZT is quick and easy to administer and it is certainly fair if only in a draoconian way.

It's no wonder our kids grow up with little tolerance of our court system.  After all they lived under zero tolerance for 12 years so they're not going to cut government and especially the court system any slack.


  1. You said you didn't think the children exposed to zero tolerance would cut the government or court system any slack. I see it differently--I think the main problem is they will be too subservient to government dictates since they had to be all along. They won't know how to change the system if it goes overboard.
    Marilyn in Florida

  2. You have read about my school district, Alpine SD. It is so conservative that it makes Glen Beck and Rush Buttbah look liberal.
