Monday, November 14, 2011

Making progress

I decided from some of the comments I was getting that NOT seeing my leg wound was making it sound worse than seeing it.  Besides, it seems to me that it is so much better this week that I'm quite optimistic about the outcome.  Here are the photos.  I tried to edit them so they were as close as possible to the same orientation and size.

Nov 9
The size of each picture is approximately 6" square, about 6" below the knee.  Although far from healed, the wound has lost virtually all the hypergranulation and is actually starting to grow healthy replacement tissue on the outer edges.

Nov 14
This morning I was seen by a wound specialist who changed the compression dressing and with silver nitrate cauterized a couple of the edges that looked like they would have trouble healing.  She was reluctant to say how long the healing process would take but it would be several weeks.

She explained my diagnosis (stasis dermatitis associated with venous insufficiency) requires that I wear compression stockings - probably the rest of my life or I can expect further breakouts like this to occur. This one was complicated by bacterial infection.  Fortunately, I have good arterial supply to my legs.

Thank you all for you concern, prayers, and well wishes.


  1. Looks like progress! You mentioned compression stockings--I wear those. In Florida food and prescriptions are exempt from sales tax, and the compression stockings are exempt if you get a prescription for them instead of just buying them off the shelf. (Jobst is available off the shelf, but I never liked them.)Having them fitted on you with a good fitter comes with advice to prolong their life--wear gloves to help prevent snags from fingernails, don't wash in Woolite, etc. Depending on the compression prescribed, they can be hard to get on in a hurry--so expect that. But even if you don't like getting them on and off--you feet and legs will!
    Take care.

  2. Does your daily routine involve exercise? I'm wondering if icreasing circulation to your extremities would help.

  3. Compression stockings are in my future. According to the wound specialist I will need them until I die. So I am interested in any hints you have, Marilyn.

    As for exercise, the specialist said that exercise was always good for the heart and muscles but it wouldn't make a bit of difference in the venous situation. I can say that with the open wound right now exercise of the legs is really painful. I don't know if that will decrease after the wound heals.
