Since our Ward's assignment to the multi-stake recreational park was on July 24th this year, we took advantage of that fact to weave into our Camp Nauvoo experience, stories about and by the pioneers. These included the pond. The creek had been dammed and at least 3 platform rafts had been set free on the little pond so created. The result reminds a person of Tom Sawyer rafting on the Mississippi or of pioneer children playing in the shallows of the Missouri.

The pictures we took have almost a Norman Rockwell qualify about them as so many of them were about young boys and girls enjoying themselves just like he would have painted.

Even the older "kids" got in on the fun proving that the age limit for fun at Camp Nauvoo is higher than anyone we had there anyway.

This ought to entice the young girls into the pond shouldn't they.

or maybe these would do the job...

Young families had fun...

But who was minding the steering?

A young couple could take out one of the rafts for a romantic sweep around the pond's perimeter.

The kitchen crew actually started working on breakfast the evening before by cutting up all the cantaloupes.

Others used Friday afternoon to play on the grassy meadow on the playground equipment or rubber-band driven airplanes. Russ Harper got his airplane in the air several times.

Or set up game equipment as Doug Porter is doing here.

Ken walker tosses a Frisbee to a young miss on the green.

I think we were trying to photograph some kids hiking along the creek. I can't see them now but this is still a great picture of how welcoming the meadow was.

We were trying to get a picture of the Harper family outside their RV but Michaela was having a "teen moment".

Doug Porter is trying to convince his granddaughter that backpacking is a simple act of strength and balance.

One of the newer additions to camp this year are the tent-cabins, 12 foot by 12 foot structures that were half cabins and half tents.

The flooring had openings between the slats so that dirt and sand can just easily be swept onto the ground below. On the other hand, the whole floor is elevated several inches making it difficult for bugs, snakes and other creatures to pay you a visit.

Jeremy wanted to say Hi to all the campers. He's been a good help throughout the years and this year was no different.

Although Arnold's walker is not made for this purpose, his grandson really appreciated the attempt. It was certainly the strangest stroller he has ridden in.

Dusk was pretty much upon us when I got the opportunity to record these lovely young girls.

and these young boys (Pinnegar boys, I believe).

Camdan, having lost his seat on Grandpa's walker is now trying to show off his climbing ability.

A few of us gathered around one of the picnic tables, watched the yellow-jackets eat pieces of biscuit and then take off, taking their treasure with them. I find it amazing that they can fly, let alone fly with a cargo as large and heavy as themselves. But that's what we were seeing.

Introducing another pioneer pastime, Sisters Loveridge and Phillips helped make all of us around the camp fire Button Yo-yos. Jake demonstrates his to his neighbors.

Another pioneer past time was the spelling game. OK we don't have proof of that but if they weren't playing this game they should have been. Our group had lots of fun with this.

Sister Loveridge is showing a group of children how to make cloth dolls out of spare material. Both boy and girl dolls could be made with just a slight change in the pattern.

Brother and Sister Pinnegar "lick the pot clean" of the peach cobbler that They cooked over the campfire using Dutch over baking methods that would have been common among the pioneers.

Early Saturday morning you could hear the clash, clink, and thud of horseshoes. It takes no imagination to believe that the pioneers played horse shoes.

And finally, a game played with hoops and sticks. Just move your sticks apart in a uniform fashion and you can send you hoop flying to your partner. Takes a abait of getting used to but it is a colorful and fun game.
I don't know if anyone got an official count. It felt like we fed around 100 breakfasts. But a lot of people came for the evening and then did not return in the morning. Others came only for the morning part of camp. Certainly with guests from other wards including the Fair Oaks 4th ward who were co-assigned our date but who would not have considered coming except that Carolyn invited them, there were many people unknown to others. So there was a lot of "getting to know you" experiences.
Thanks to all of you who made this a great Camp Nauvoo for 2009.