Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A different kind of cookie

I had a real hankerin' for a no-bake cookie the other day. Fortunately, Carolyn had a hankerin' for making cookies and she was agreeable to making that kind. Although she had to make a couple of substitutions (she's lactose intolerant these days) they turned out perfectly.

But imagine my surprise and delight when going into church last Sunday at having a new kind of no-bake cookie - one that sort of resembled sushi.These are about as easy or difficult as you'd like to make them. I did a quick survey on Google and found, of course, that lots of people had the idea of making sushi cookies but there's a wide range of looks.
Some want to emulate the look of some popular sushi going to great lengths and efforts. You should look at the two websites :



before you decide to use the simple recipe below:
  • 6 cups Rice crispy cereal
  • 3 Tbsp butter or margarine
  • 10 oz pkg of marshmallows
  • candy bars of choice
Step 1: Butter or spray cookie sheet
Step 2: Prepare Krispie treats from recipe on box of the Internet. Roll out finished treat mix to about 1/4 inch thick. Allow to cool 10 - 15 minutess.
Step 3: Transfer kirspies to cutting board, then place whole candybars end to end along one side of krispie mix. Lay othe candies as desired along th candybar. You may wish to add peanut butter, caramel, or melted chocolate chips along the bar. Roll the blanket of crispy around the carndy bar mixture and cut off when completed. pinch the two sides together. Repeat as necessary.

Step 4: Cut roll into 1 inch pieces, serve flat. Enjoy.

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