Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Second shoe drops ...the right way!!!

We just got back from a fast, fun-filled, fruitful, fireworks-friendly family vacation in Southern California.  That may explain all the calls and e-mails not answered.  We did have computer access but little time or energy to do the right thing.  We'll try to catch up before the next wild trip the end of this month.

As you can probably deduce from that last paragraph, Carolyn is feeling well and doing more than she probably should as she recovers from her surgery.  The wound is healing as good as can be expected and all the indicators are pointing the right direction.  Two weeks ago I said we were waiting for the other shoe to fall so that we'd have a better idea of what the next step will be.  Well, we got word just as we were leaving last week so the word didn't get out.  But... the good news is that it's GOOD NEWS!!

Based on the OncotypeDX testing, the recurrence risk of the cancer is low.  In addition, there is no evidence that chemotherapy will improve the prognosis.

That means Good News and Good News.  Low risk and no chemo!

Carolyn will need to proceed with hormonal medication which has some side effects similar to menopause.

Thanks again to all of you who kept us in your thoughts and prayers.  We love you.


  1. So glad for the good news!!!!

  2. Yes, that's good news! So glad Carolyn doesn't have to do chemo again. Looking forward to seeing you in August.

  3. Great news! Thanks for coming down, everyone had a fun time.

  4. That is very GOOD to hear!!! Yeah! We shall see you in a few weeks.
