Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Post-op Progress Report #13

As many of you might have imagined, Carolyn is handling her convalescence as usual - by working. The doctor told her she could do what she wanted as long as she paid attention to what her body said. For Carolyn, that means resting when she gets tired, working when she gets antsy. Her stitches appear to be healing properly. She expects to have the staples removed this Friday.

Her biggest problem is getting used to the small stomach she has now and the diet she needs to follow to avoid "carbohydrate dump". If you have advice, hints or suggestion about post gastric-bypass diets please email her at carolynl@surewest.net .



  1. You can tell she is my mother. That is exactly what I was doing one week after my thyroid surgery.

  2. $20 says she can't stay away from work as long as she is supposed to either. (The $20 part is a figure of speach not a real offer for a bet.)

  3. We are back in civilization (have left Utah and Nevada and Colorado and Oregon behind) and are PLEASED to learn of Carolyn's well being. The doctor seems to have good advice: Do what you want to do. That should be put on a plaque and hung by the door. We look forward to seeing both of you soon.

    Don and Sara-Beth

  4. Why am I not surprised Carolyn is out working in the yard already. Couldn't believe she made that trip with us to Williamsburg, Virginia so soon after her other surgery. She's quite a trooper.
