Sunday, September 21, 2008

Let the games begin...

I'm convinced that the secret to enjoying ward activities, and probably activities of any kind, is to get into the spirit of the event. The first time I heard of a ward game night, I almost got sick to my stomach. I'm not a big game person in any case so the idea of playing games with 50 or 60 other people just didn't resonate with me. Come to think of it, I probably ditched that activity.

Last year, I decided I wouldn't be able to ditch the games but I might be able to appoint myself wandering greeter and use up all the time that way. That wasn't half so bad as I had feared.

This year I actually decided I would try a couple of games and pretend to be totally incompetent. That isn't hard for me to do since I'm at least halfway incompetent. Pretending to be totally takes only a bit more energy.

In any case, a good time was had by most of the people in the room and, to be honest, I think I might have had a good time, too. Of course with Carolyn as chair of the activities committee and me being a member of the committee, there was a good likelihood that I'd be there.

Some people got right into the game playing with chess

or a good game of Set,

Cranium, Turbo Style was a big hit at one table.

While at another Dominoes was the game of the evening.

And here it was a rousing game of Apples to Apples. There seemed to be a game for just about everyone's taste.

There was even a table set up for the young 'uns that featured generic play dough and puzzles.

We had a good crew on cleanup duty although at least one of them was pretty young.

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