Wednesday, October 01, 2008

C-day plus 2

Left alone to her own devices, Carolyn managed to keep busy enough that it made me tired just hearing her retell all of it. My spending 2/3 of the day at the regional center and the last 1/3 practicing bookbinding was boring in comparison.

Not only was Carolyn's energy level high throughout the day, but she felt she could back off a little on her nausea meds without adverse effects.

But the biggest, BIGGEST, GREATEST NEWS!!!!! She emailed her doctor asking if he had results back yet from her bone marrow biopsy and her full body PET scan. He replied that both test showed NO SIGNS of tumor. Hooray! He didn't however, indicate that this would affect Carolyn's planned course of 4 chemotherapy sessions. He also reminded her that she should enjoy feeling good right now as the time she will probably feel the worst is 10 to 14 days into the cycle.


  1. Glad to hear things look good inside of Carolyn. Hope the chemo takes care of any lurking surprises & she can be done with this!

  2. Yeah! Wonderful! But what is the dog for?

  3. let's hope the good news keeps coming
