Sunday, May 03, 2009

Sacramento Sunstoners

We haven't yet figured out what we want for a name but for now I'll call our little discussion group Sacramento Sunstoners because we all have a common interest in the Sunstone magazine and conference (although one guy admitted he was a "lapsed" Sunstoner) and we all live in the general vicinity of Sacramento.

This evening we met at our house and the next meeting will be at yet another of the group. A new member of the group heard about us at the latest Sunstone Conference where he presented a paper on the Book of Abraham and the found Egyptian papyri. He made the claim that they is no reason to believe there is still lost papyri containing the Book of Abraham. Instead, the more plausible explanation is that this papyrii served as a supernatural catalyst for direct revelation rather than translation. Similar arguments have been made about the "translation" of the Book of Mormon.

This young fellow has agreed to present his next paper at our next meeting sometime in July. They're really a fun group to be with because we can let ourselves talk about religious matters without self-censoring or hurt feelings.


  1. Probably better then just going with Sacramento Stoners, I think you'd get the wrong crowd.
