Here's the report on the church party that Carolyn and the rest of the Activity Committee were responsible for. I don't know exactly how you evaluate the success of such a venture except by the smiles and laughs and good times that people seem to be having. And judged by that, I would say it was a success. My guess is that about 120 to 130 people were there at some time with lots of young and very young. But the more mature turned out pretty good as well.

There was, of course, the usual food line.

And the line to get into the food line.

Most people ate at the tables which had been placed in the driveway for this event.

But a few birds preferred their own perch.

Mardy & Lora were the official (WANTED!!) photographers. Marty also put together the mix of Western ballads and Western swing that played in the background during the evening.

This is a sample of the WANTED posters that Tonya Phillips put together from the pictures that Mardy took. Note the authentic props loaned for the evening by the McMillens.

Here, the Bishop and his family are posing for their WANTED!! poster.

While these three are waiting for theirs.

Some of the activities included panning for gold.

Branding "genuine" cowhide (brown sacks) with "genuine" brands (potato stamps).

The pie eating contest was a favorite from the Ready, Set,....


And the winner is... Well, I don't think there was a loser. Look at the happy faces!

I've always been amazed at people who can crochet while doing something else. Here, Sister Porter demonstrates the use of a glowing crochet hook which allows here to continue way into the night. I tried a flash but it just didn't show up at all.

This activity is going to have to be done a few more times to really catch on. A tarp on the cement was scattered with toys and candy, then covered with shredded paper. The object for the kids is to dig through the paper to find the treasures. Not easy but a lot of fun.

We could tell the evening was winding down when Ed lit the campfire.
Unfortunately, it was also bedtime for many, if not most, of the really young 'uns.

Ken Walker had brought his guitar and songsheets with a dozen or so songs of the Wild West. It sounded better when he sang alone but we still enjoyed singing with him.

Don Swain entertained us with some cowboy lore to wrap up the evening.
Everyone then pitched in to see how fast we could clean the place so it would look appropriate for Sunday services the next day.