Tuesday, August 24, 2010

South Lake Tahoe Family Reunion - Day 7 Stars and more

Lee suggested that since the Perseirs Meteor shower occurs this week, and especially since the dark SLT sky makes sky watching so much, that we all stay up late or get up early to watch This is a relatively rare meteor show.

So last night almost all the adults and most of the kids stayed up until 11:00 when we piled into our cars and headed out for the community college play fields.  We found them brightly lit without a soul in sight.  Fortunately, we had a backup spot in the nearby park parking lot.  We all sat or lay on the blacktop and looked straight up into the starry sky.  There was supposed to be a shooting star about once a minute but we were seeing them about once every five minutes.  Still, that was impressive.

That, of course, made almost everyone get off to a slow start today.  Those kids who didn't make it to the trout farm a couple of days ago did so today.  Our group then headed for the southern tip of Fallen Leaf Lake and the trailhead to Glen Alpine Falls.  We expected the falls to be dry this late in the year.  However, this has been a rainy year. As a result many in our group were able to hike the river bed, rather interesting terrain.

Steve and Lisa said good bye to the group and headed down to Lakewood where Lisa's parents have been taking care of their bunnies.  The group continues to get smaller.

Word from Ed and family is that Tiffany now has the same sickness that Camdan had which pretty much eliminates their coming up tomorrow..

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