Monday, May 16, 2011

More information will be forthcoming, we hope

Carolyn and I met with her surgeon today to discuss the most likely direction the treatment of her breast cancer will take.  We've learned that some surgeons talk like that because you can't really know what's inside the body until you open it up and sometimes a surgeon will make a quick decision based on what he or she finds in the operating room or what the path lab report says.  Carolyn had an MRI last Friday but the results had not been interpreted and reported to her surgeon by this morning's appointment.

Carolyn has two types of cancer cells in a small tumor in her right breast.  Because one of those types tends to spread in the body and because Carolyn has already had a significant exposure to radiation in that area, the surgeon is recommending a mastectomy probably followed by chemotherapy.  She (the surgeon) wanted to leave the chemotherapy recommendation to the medical oncologist.

The surgeon said the mastectomy usually calls for an overnight stay in the hospital and for a fairly quick recovery time.  Even so, Carolyn has suggested that the operation be scheduled for early June to allow her to get through the Jazz Jubilee as planned.  The surgeon is okay with that.

We'll keep you posted as we get more information.

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