Sunday, September 16, 2007

Thanks and a handshake

For the past five years I have been the Executive Secretary in our ward, serving with three very different bishops. Given the duties that I ended up with, a better description of the job would be "appointments and agenda secretary". For the early morning meetings on virtually every Sunday, I was responsible for preparing a one-page standard agenda and make enough copies for all attendees to have one. Then, during the week I was to take calls from people needing to meet with the bishop and try to schedule those on Wednesday evening of Sunday afternoons. It was about the level of volunteering that I felt comfortable with.

Then last night a member of the stake presidency called Carolyn and me to ask us to meet with him this morning. That sounded like pretty important stuff and we wondered which of us was due for a new calling. Turns out it was just a short meeting for the President to thank me for the past five years of service and to warn me that I would be released later this morning. Much as I appreciate the gesture, I think I would have appreciated less tension and formality. He could have broken the news over the phone last night and we all would have slept better.

I was, in fact, released this morning as was Carolyn. She was "thanked" two weeks ago by our bishop so we really did expect this morning's meeting to be important for her than for me.


  1. Yeah, I really hate the fact that they have to make an appointment and come to your house in a suit just to call you to be a primary teacher. Geez, just ask already! D'ya think I am less likely to say no if you are dressed up?

  2. I am surprised that the Stake Pres. member talked to you about being released too. I would have thought the High Counselor would have done it. But apparently you have been doing such a great job they really did want to thank you in person - and maybe get to know you better for the future....
