Thursday, September 27, 2007

When will I die?

We've all given some thought to this question, haven't we? I was thinking about it a little more than usual recently because I had been looking over the idea of buying a pre-paid cremation funereal. There are at least two active cremation centers in Sacramento so I was trying to see if there was a significant difference between them. But that's another story.

In my Internet wanderings that day I came across a Real Age and Longevity Calculator that is sponsored by Poodwaddle, a web portal company. To use this calculator you simply enter your age and then slide a control button up and down in response to a couple dozen questions such as the one pictured here.

The end result shows your "real age" and estimated longevity. It's always nice to see the latter number larger than the first. And in this case much larger. As you can see, this calculator shows that I'm over 6 years younger than the calendar says and I'll last another 20 years or more. Try the calculator and see what it says for you.


  1. I am apparently only 12 and should live to be 86.

  2. I am absolutely average. It said my real age is 24 and I am 24. I'm also going to live to be 74 which is also the average.

  3. Mine says I am about 26, but my knees beg to differ. There is no accounting for the general wear and tear or less common chronic illnesses- ones that might not lower your life expectancy, but which do in fact make you feel, if not old, then at least less young.

  4. I'm going to die December 8, 2086! I don't see what I need all this calculator business for.
