Thursday, February 04, 2010

Random Activities Committee meeting



I'm finding that I'm not the only person who has to deal with Carolyn as a Random Event Generator.  This evening was our ward's Activity Committee meeting.  Carolyn is, of course, the chair of the committee and therefore the chair of the meeting.  The supposed purpose of the meeting was to iron out the final details of the Adult/Teen Valentine's Dinner Dance which is to occur on the 12th.  But actually more time was spent working on some of the decorations for the event.  We had people sewing lace, hot gluing lace, preparing the photo op sign.  People were on the computer, the sewing machine, the floor.  It certainly looked more like a craft event than a committee meeting but everyone also seemed to have a good time.




The large board is what couples will stand behind to get a remembrance picture of the evening.

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