Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Music Circus - I Do! I Do!

When we moved to Sacramento almost 10 years ago, one of the first things we did was subscribe to a full season of plays at the Music Circus.  We quickly found out that seeing a Broadway quality production every week for 6 or 7 weeks is too much.  It's costly to the pocketbook and the body.   We much prefer the costs of the Davis Musical Theater Center where 6 shows of a season are spread throughout the year.

But still we will take in a Music Circus show from time to time.  Recently we saw their production of "I Do!  I Do!"  It has a two person cast and portrays in song and dance the joys and trials of marriage from almost the beginning to almost the end.  With actors in their 50s I found it stretching credibility at the beginning.  And since she has aged faster than him, for most of the play, I found myself thinking it was a mom and her son rather than man and wife.  The story line has aged, also.  When they sang the lovely duet "A Man and a Woman were meant for each other, were meant for each other as husband and wife" it sounded like a low key advertisement for Prop 8 or the Defense of Marriage Act.  There were no such overtones when we  we saw the play 40 years ago in Utah.  It's been a favorite of ours.  I have the piano music.  "My Cup Runneth Over" popularize by Ed Ames in the early 60's has always ben a favorite love song of ours.

I was impressed with something the Music Circus does for people with walkers and wheelchairs.  Volunteers follow you to your seats then politely request that they "store" your equipment.  They tag it with what must be the oldest tags in the business world then whisk them away.  They show up again at intermission and again at the end of the show.  It didn't look like they were expecting a tip of any kind.

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