Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Libby & Jill pay us a visit

Natalie and family stayed with us the week of July 4th enjoying the say Carmichael celebrates our nation's birthday.  Almost as if on cue, Jessica flew into town on Saturday, July 7 with her daughter Jillian and Lee & Stacie's Libby.  We would be trading a family for two girls aged 9 and 10.  Jessica left with Natalie and her family Sunday morning before the sun was up.

The first thing to greet us that Sunday morning was the knock on our bedroom door and a call from one of the girls that the other had thrown  up.  It was a warning/notice we would hear again and again over the next two weeks.  Since Edward's Timmy and Natalie's Nathan and even grandpa had had some stomach flu, our first thought was that Libby and Jillian were just having their turn..  However, as first one and then the other and back to the first, they traded use of the barf bucket, we began to wonder if there wasn't something more involved.  They never felt sick enough to miss their nature camp or art camp experience but otherwise their behavior was consistent with some stomach flu.

To keep the girls somewhat busy, Carolyn had arranged for them to attend one week of nature camp at the Effie Yeaw Nature Center located about 5 miles from us at the edge of a beautiful state park and not far from the banks of the American River.  Without trying to you can see wild turkeys, deer, and several other native species running around the center ignoring the human visitors.  The girls had an opportunity to go on several nature walks as well as have special instructors come to talk about snakes and raptors.  One day of the camp was spent at the Folsom City Zoo which is more of a injured animal sanctuary than a zoo.

The second week of their stay with us, Libby and Jillian attended an arts program put on by our local Parks and Rec department at the park just a couple of blocks from us.  The nausea continued to plague the girls but they continued to want to attend their class.  Carolyn finally decided that a little over the counter medicine might be appropriate. The second week was more of an inside experience but both girls are into arts & campcrafts so that didn't bother them.

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