Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Is it a holiday?

9:00 I arrived at the Library this morning ready to put in my two hours of volunteering. I was hurrying a little because I wanted to be on time. The parking lot was empty.

9:05 A couple more volunteers show up and two staff members (non-management so they aren't allowed to open the building)

9:10 Is that....? No. Just someone dropping off books.

9:12 Yeah, a manager who explains that she's actually early but isn't the manager in charge.

Is there a law of inverse timeliness - the more you make, the later you are???


  1. Y'know, no matter what time I make an appointment with my doctor, even the first of the morning, he is still always late.
    Must be the same thing.

  2. Try the Long Beach Courthouse...on second thought, just believe me and stay away. They don't care how long you wait, you are the one with the problem.
