Saturday, June 13, 2009

You never know

...who's going to be reading your blog.

It's probably an ego thing but I have a little meter on my computer desktop that registers the number of visitors and page views of my blog throughout the day. There's absolutely nothing I can do about it short of running through the streets asking people to sign onto my blog. Well, I guess there is the little matter of talent and writing about interesting stuff.

So, anyway I look at this meter from time to time and if it's in the 20's at evening time, I feel it's been a good day. I don't stay up until midnight to see what the count is since I know that from time to time I can print out a summary for the previous 7 days, 30 days, 12 months, etc.

Well, one recent evening the count was over 70 and when I dumped the summary of the previous 30 days I found that on two days my blog had been visited 100 and 80 times respectively. The average count is around 30 per day. On about 50% of the visits I can tell which web site referred people to my blog, that is they clicked a link to get to my blog. In this case the link was located on a blog called and he was referring people to my blog to read a book review I had done 2 years ago and could barely remember.

The fact that the page view chart isn't nearly as dramatically high on those two days indicates that people came, read the review, and departed without looking at other entries.
So, thanks to all of you who are regular visitors as well as those of you who visited us from Here's the return link to the article just in case you want to pay a return visit to that blog. And here's a link to my review of The Big Book of Irony which is the cause of this blog entry.


  1. You need a post to the right book review. I'm curious what had everyone comming.

  2. I have added that link at the end of the post. The book is called "The Big Book of Irony". As expected from the title, it is a small easily read book.
