Sunday, June 14, 2009

She doesn't stop at flowers

A couple of days ago we gave someone detailed instruction on how to find our house. When he arrived, he said, "You should have just told me to go down the street until you see all the flowers." Carolyn does do a wonderful job with the flowers in our yard. But that's not all.

This year Carolyn has taken over the raised beds and planted them full of vegetables. There are green beans, onions, basil, cucumbers, tomatoes, and who know what else. It is just reaching maturity with the green beans coming on first. Notice Carolyn's harvest in her left hand:

Here she is pointing out the tomatoes on the vine and beginning to be visible from a few feet away.
These next two pictures show how Carolyn gets the most of her small space.

Here we have basil growing under the shade of the bean vines.

And here the rhubarb and chard are planted between the flowers along our back fence. They seem to work well together.