Sunday, February 05, 2006

Give me a kit

and I'll cook for the world. To paraphrase Archimedes who was ready to move the world given a long enough lever and a suitable fulcrum, I can cook up anything - as long as it comees in a kit with understandable instructions.

For years, I stuck with the tried and true - Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Like a chemistry set, it listed the three simple ingredients - milk, margarine, and the box of Kraft Mac. It could be a meal in itself although I often boil up a couple of hot dogs to supplement the meal.

After many years I ventured out with Rice-a-Roni side dishes which call for frying the pasta/rice combination before boiling it giving it a unique toasty flavor. But these were strictly side dishes so I never felt completely satisfied.

Then we happened onto some great buys at the dollar stores and at Big Lots for Hamburger and Chicken Helper. These were not quite complete kits, requiring as they did the addition of fried hamburger or chicken. But since the instructions gave precise amounts and cooking instructions, I caught on pretty fast.

And now, I'm onto Pastaroni which can be a side dish although the instructions on the box actually encourage "add-ins" such as fried chicken, hamburger or even canned tuna, salmson, or chicken although with no hint as to how one prepares these "add-ins". With enough encouragement, I beginning to think "outside the box".

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