Tuesday, February 27, 2007

30-day trial period begins

Since the Kaiser audiologist agreed with my daughter-in-law Tiffany about my hearing loss and since our coverage includes a significant hearing aid benefit, I went to the Kaiser Hearing Aid Center two weeks ago to be fitted for a hearing aid. The audiologist actually recommended that I start with one aid to see how helpful it is and how well I tolerate the device in my ear.

Today, I returned to pick up the hearing aid and receive instructions about using it. I have 30 days to try it out. If I decide I can't use it, can't stand it, or for whatever reason that I don't want it, I can turn it in for a full refund. It turns out that Kaiser (and almost everyone else) only sells digital hearing aids any more. This one is programmed by the audiologist to fit my hearing profile and can be reprogrammed at any time if I find it not matching my needs. The plastic earpiece isn't supposed to block any sound as there's a small canal that goes through it to let normal sound through. So far about all I can tell is that the hearing aid amplifies sound just enough to make up for the fact that there's a big piece of plastic in my ear. But then I haven't had the opportunity to see how it works in work and social situations.

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