Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Crocker

That is short for the Crocker Art Museum, one of the premium museums in our town. Today not being quite the spectacularly warm spring day that yesterday was, we decided to conduct our adventure outing indoors. Besides, we wanted to take advantage of the Crocker Museum being free on Sundays.

We were not alone. So many people take advantage of the free day at the Crocker that street parking (which is also free on Sundays) was virtually impossible to come by. Fortunately, we were able to find convenient parking in a nearby city parking lot for only $3.

The spotlight exhibit today was Ansel Adams and his pictures of Yosemite in particular. Apparently he, Georgia O'Keeffe and a couple of friends made an 11 day trip through Yosemite in the fall of 1938 and Adams made up photo albums for each of the members of the camping party for that Christmas. Naturally, being a VERY limited edition, it is priceless. We also visited an exhibit of noteworthy photographs that have appeared in the Sacramento Bee which is currently celebrating its 150th anniversary.

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