Tuesday, May 22, 2007


It seems that with the two of us, we eat out a lot more than we used to and, being cheap, we eat out at fast food restaurants more than the sit-down kind. So I was interested recently to see in the latest issue of Shape magazine an article talking about eating healthy at fast food restaurants. You don't have to decide between cost and health or convenience and health.

They also described the website fastfood.com which lists the menus of most of the popular fast food chains with the calories and fat content of the various menu items. That way you can plan your healthy meal before going to the restaurant and falling for their large yummy-looking posters.

Bon appetit!

1 comment:

  1. Keep us informed if you actually change your eating habits to fit with the healthier choices! I know that recently I've been electing for the less sugary drinks, and tossing away 1 bun on most burgers cause I don't need the extra bread (supposed to be good for ya). But I don't very often decide to say grab a salad instead of a burger.
