Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Back from New Guinea

Our son Steven, the research chemist and adventure diver, recently returned from Papua, New Guinea with stories, pictures, and souvenirs of his adventures half way around the world. We listened to many of the stories and saw some of his souvenirs but we missed seeing his pictures this time around.

Here we see some of the native artwork with the fruit bowl, decorative mask and figurine, and an intricately carved walking stick that could probably also be used as a low tech weapon.

The final item on the table is a low-tech g-string, a penis gourd which is apparently typical of something still used by the highland men in New Guinea. Doesn't look at all comfortable to me.


  1. "(L)ow-tech g-string"? Shouldn't that be the web site for survivalist pornography?

  2. I've been using mine as a back stratcher
