Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hello, Redding

Well, my Random Event Generator struck again. A few days ago, I was quietly contemplating what trouble I could get into this weekend seeing that there was nothing cluttering my calendar. I noticed that we had on the calendar a visit from Linnea, a friend from Long Beach. But that was all. Then Carolyn dropped the question, "What do you think about spending the weekend in Redding?" Honestly, it hadn't crossed my mind until right then. I'd have to miss church on Sunday morning along with the PEC and Ward Council meetings but I could probably make that sacrifice.

Turns out that Linnea needed a ride to Redding to visit her sister and Carolyn thought she might use up another one of her "free nights" that she earns by being on the road so much for business purposes. It would be a whirlwind trip.

Linnea's daughter Kendra and her family dropped her off at our house Saturday afternoon after a short visit with our son Edward and his kids. Carolyn and Linnea then had a luncheon visit with Linnea's aunt & cousin. Linnea, Carolyn, and I then headed north. Linnea provided the travel entertainment by bringing us up to speed on all our old Long Beach friends we have in common.

Three hours later, after making sure that Linnea was in the safe hands of her sister for the coming week, Carolyn & I checked into our hotel then surveyed our options. Some of the activities we undertook:

We managed to eat well (Carolyn pictured here at Logan's Roadhouse);

look for several geocaches in the neighborhood;

and take a tour of Shasta Dam, the 2nd highest dam in the United States.

We didn't try to do everything possible. That contributed to making it a very enjoyable mini-vacation.

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