Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter Tradition

What would you do if you opened your refrigerator one morning to find two bring, strange items on one of the shelves?

Taking a closer look, you see a pair of "insects" which have a sort of resemblance to brightly colored Easter eggs. One looks like a ladybug and the other sort of like a bumble bee. But I've never see eggs with legs before.

I didn't panic, of course, since I had been in on the activity from the beginning. While Carolyn and I were shopping at Safeway's I spotted this egg coloring kit that featured little plastic legs for the colored eggs, sort of like a Mr. Potato. The kit was much more expensive than it needed to be and there were really only enough parts for 5 eggs. But, hey, Easter only comes around once a year, right?

The dye tablets sort of fizzed as we dropped them into the cups of water with 3 Tbsp of vinegar in each. Except for the red cup which we were warned should NOT have vinegar in it. After we were done, Edward dumped it out before I got a chance to experiment on the red color.

We were impressed with the bright colors, much brighter than we get with regular food colors in vinegar water. There were several warnings about "Warning: These are real dyes and will permanently stain fabric".

With the colors, wings, and stickers for the eyes, nose, and mouth, it was almost impossible to create an eggs that wasn't cute and colorful. This was Tim's "Mariposa" egg, mariposa being Spanish for butterfly.

I can't remember what this egg was named. But suffice it to say that both boys had a great time dying 12 hard boiled and 10 raw eggs.

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