Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring tip toes into Sacramento

When Carolyn got home yesterday after almost a week on the road, she walked out into the front yard and exclaimed, "Spring came while I was gone!" She was right. Almost like overnight, her flowers burst into colorful blooms and the "something" tree burst into bright purple blossoms as well.


  1. Isn't God the greatest? I love all the seasons, but it is great being a spring chick!

  2. What a beautiful video, and the music was lovely! (Was that you playing?) I'd love to know the name of the piece and the composer.
    ~ Alice

  3. Don't I wish I could play like that!! The music is a piano solo by George Winston on his album "Summer". We have the album on Cassette tape but you can listen to this piece at

    I find so many of Winston's pieces relaxing that I think we have every one of his albums.

  4. I forgot to mention the piece is called Early Morning Range.
