Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cast Party

In a weird schedule alteration, we had the traditional end of show cast part after the penultimate (next to last) performance. This left the last performance as somewhat anticlimactic.

The Isaacson's graciously opened their home to the cast, crew, and family members which amounted to somewhere between 25 and 30 people. Having a party after 11 o'clock requires either very tolerant neighbors or very well behaved partiers. In this case it must have been a little of both. There was very little drinking going on and most of the group were underage anyway.

Steve served up his famous stir-fry that included chicken, tri-tip steak, rice, bok choy, mushrooms, and who knows what else. It was delicious.

Danette had her faithful laptop set up in the corner showing pictures of the production while everyone sat around retelling significant events of the past 6 weeks.

The faithful four-legged family members Scruffy and Mrs. Leavitt acted just like the other guests including joining in on conversations if they felt they were being ignored.

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