Friday, June 06, 2008

How the Quakers Invented America - book review

Or weren't you aware of who "invented" America? Well, Avid Yount in his book "How the Quakers Invented America" seems pretty clear about his opinion and his research. I find it difficult to imagine that the founding fathers were thinking that much about our time, I suspect they were looking for what was going to work, what was stable enough to build an economy around, and be less burdensome than the English territorial rule had been. Buuuuuuutttt, maybe there were pockets of "nation building" committed to introducing and defending ideas about how the "country"would develop.

According to Yount, the humility, the simple practices, the desire for equality, the optimistic solving of problems which are so characteristic, became a major force in developing the new world. I suspect that other denominations could point to their principles and lead a virulent effort in the same general direction.

As one might expect from a beginning like this, the book continues to extol the virtues of Quakerism in a brilliantly done manner. In fact I had to look to make sure I hadn't picked up a JW invitation recently there.

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