Saturday, June 07, 2008

Well, shut my mouth! I'm speechless!

No, really, I AM speechless. Well, not completely speechless. But it's going. One of the side effects of Parkinsons is the progressive loss of one's voice. Of course, like all the other symptoms of Parkinsons this affects some patients but not others. Unlike other symptoms, there are no known medications which will halt or reverse the progression of the symptoms. There is, however, a therapy known as LSVT or Lee Silverman Voice Treatment, named after the patient on whom the treatment was developed.

I'm certainly interested and even intrigued by this therapy and the promise that it holds for me but I will also have to admit being somewhat skeptical. When people ask me to speak louder or repeat something, and I CAN speak louder, I do. My problem is more like that of someone with laryngitis, there are times when I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Carolyn thinks it has more to do with be alone so much of the week. Not having the chance to get my vocal cords warmed up and to keep them supple, they get lazy and don't start until well into my second or third sentence.

I guess we'll see the middle of July when I meet with Kaiser's speech therapist.


  1. I will be glad to talk to you everyday for a few minutes to keep you warmed up on a daily basis. They say talking therapy is very helpful.

  2. I hadn't heard of that symptom before. I think Carolyn has a valid point. So sing when you play the piano. Get out your German textbook and read the sentences aloud. Read aloud the first page of every chapter of the books you read. When watching TV, talk back to the commercials (I love doing that). Maybe tape yourself if you have a recorder to see how you're doing? The LSVT sounds interesting. Hope something works for you!
