Sunday, May 17, 2009

Cam's First

Birthday Party, that is! We had a quiet little family dinner at Vientos restaurant or at least as quiet as Camdan would let it be. When the time came to enjoy his birthday cake, we were back at Ed & Tiff's so he felt a little more at home.

Here, Camdan and his mom are discussing some of the finer points of blowing out the birthday candle.

"Ummm, I think I like this sort of people food."

"I KNOW I like this kind of people food. I hope there's enough."

"Uh, oh, there's more than I expected. I'm going to have to find more places to stuff it."

"Well, I did it. No one will ever know I've been eating chocolate cake. And they're all laughing at my little hat trick with the plate. Shucks, that ain't nothin' special."

Camdan really did balance the plate on his head with a little spin and some frosting to help make it stick. And when he saw us all clapping about it, he joined in the clapping as well which made the plate fall over. He promptly put it back on. What a ham!


  1. I love first birthdays!! He sure is cute!

  2. Gavin wouldn't even touch his cake! Camdan looks adorable...

  3. Wish I'd been there to see that plate-hat trick
