Saturday, May 23, 2009

Parkinson's Disease Support Group

I think it's going to take a while for me to warm up to the PDSG closest and most convenient to me. The group meets the 4th Friday of every month and I've now attended two meetings which I understand were pretty typical. Last month we had a speaker talk about alternatives to mainline medications.

This month we simply went around the room introducing ourselves and how long we have been diagnosed. The group coordinator used the introductions as windows of opportunity to introduce support in the community for persons with PD or their caregivers. That made it a very uneven meeting with some people holding the floor for 20 minutes or more while the res of us barely got through our introductions.

With luck I can hit a few more meetings.

1 comment:

  1. I've never quite gotten into the groove of support groups before. They tried to get me to go to one after Solomon, but I couldn't see what good it was going to do. In this case, If they have useful information, I can see the utility.
