Thursday, May 28, 2009

Filliing the China cabinet

One of the problems with upgrading your furniture, especially if you add drawers, shelves, or other storage opportunities is that you feel guilty until they are filled and serving the use for which you bought the thing. The problem is exaggerated when the storage is visible or highlighted.

Thus, for the two weeks that our new china closet was sitting empty in the dining room, it fairly called out "Help, fill me! Arrange me! " And it took twice as long for the short tour or whenever we explained to people that we only recently obtained the closet.

So it was with some delight that I saw Carolyn coming home with the necessary hardware to display dishes and bowls. As a wise recruiter of talent, Carolyn knew that she'd have a daughter and two daughters-in-law over the Memorial Day weekend who could help her move much of her china and silverware to the new china closet.

So, as you see the china cabinet is no longer empty. In fact it is so full that we're going to have to consider a second one for all the leftover stuff.

And this is how it fits into the room.


  1. It looks great, what a sense of accomplishment. What are you doing with the space that these goodies came from?
