Thursday, January 12, 2006

Dry rot - part 2

Well, as they say it ain't over 'til it's over. While we had the handyman here finishing up the dry rot project that we initially hired him for, we decided to have to look around the house to have his expert opinion about what other problems we might have. He convinced us that the patio support post that we've been shaking our head about for the past three years really should be replaced or one of these days a major portion of our roof would suddenly drop a foot or so. Then he found another spot at the side of the house where it was damp enough that weeds were beginning to grow between the siding and the trim. Possible hidden damage there as well. All told, we doubled the scope of the project and the cost, of course. And the worst part is that he can't assure us that over the next few years we won't see more of the same. I suspect sometime we'll probably need to have the whole house re-skinned. But at least it doesn't have to come out of this week's paycheck.

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