Sunday, June 25, 2006

Father's Day - a week late

Happy Fathers Day

My cousin Neil stopped me in the church parking lot to give me a CD of family pictures he had come across recently as well as a clipping of a Fathers Day tribute that my sister Revabeth had penned for our Dad that had appeared in the Provo Daily Herald many, many years ago. I may sprinkle some of the pictures in my blog from time to time. This time I’ll only include the tribute and a picture from my collection of my sister canning peaches with my Dad – the subject of the tribute:

Happy Father’s Day to the father who
Paced the floor when I was born,
Stood proudly and gave me a name and a blessing,
Walked and rocked me when I had the chicken pox,
Trod many a church aisle to quiet me,
Raced thru numerous stores looking for a bathroom for a little girl who “didn’t have to go” before we left home,
Ran and walked up and down the street to teach me to balance on my long-desired bike,
Stood in long lines so he could take me on the Tilt-a-Whirl,
Paced the floor during noisy pajama parties,
Hiked around the block and back again when I had my tonsils out,
Paced the floor when I took the car out, alone, for the first time,
Trod the floor when I didn’t arrive home from a date on time,
Walked thru aisles of clothes until he found a dress that was “just right”.
Hiked back and forth to the car, carrying various items in and back out again when I went to college,
Stood and sat and sat to watch me graduate from college,
Walked down the aisle” with me at my wedding,
Walked, carried, and packed so that we could move out east,
Paced the floor until he got our call saying that we were fine and had no trouble,
Trod the airport floor waiting for us to fly in for a visit and then back home again,
And who is loved very much by his daughter.

Beth Russell
Urbana, Illinois

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