Thursday, June 29, 2006

Mrs. Henderson Presents - a movie review

You may have noticed that I don't do a lot of movie reviews. The simple reason for that is that I watch very few movies. I'm not bragging or complaining. It's just a fact of my life. Also, I have no idea what makes a movie great or mediocre so I can't pretend to be a real movie critic. That being said, I can describe a movie and talk about what worked for me and what didn't.

Mrs. Henderson Presents is based on the true story of London's Windmill Theater. According to the movie, the Windmill is closed when a wealthy widow (Judi Dench) with both time and money on her hands buys it and restores it to its former glory. A friend of a friend Vivian Van Dam (Bob Hoskins) is brought in to run the place. This is the late 1930's, England has escaped the Victorian era but is still uptight about many things including nudity on the stage which is one of the ideas that Dench's character, Mrs. Henderson, presents. However, it turns out to be okay as long as it is done "tastefully" and the nudes don't move. That makes it like "fine art". And it works. There is absolutely nothing raunchy, pornographic, or even very arousing in the many nude scenes that follow.

Instead one is shown how the Windmill becomes a significant part of the London entertainment scene and, as WW II begins, the Windmill becomes a significant factor in building and maintaining troop morale. The singing and dancing are entertaining as well as the nude tableaus. There's just enough drama and tension between Mrs. Henderson and Vivian Van Dam to keep the story moving so the movie doesn't become just another musical revue. But it's not really a war movie either.

We found it fun and entertaining - for the whole family (which IS unusual for an R-rated film).


  1. The whole family being you and Caroline? Or did Jake and Timmy enjoy it too?

  2. It was just the two of us but the show is so tastefully done I don't think Tim or Jake would have a problem. Now a 12 or 13 year old might be another story.
