Monday, June 05, 2006

What kind of American English do you speak?

Time for another quiz. I ran across this little gem the other day and found it fascinating. It was rather difficult to take the quiz because I found myself being so influenced by the suggested answers. Sort of like the suggestion that "when in Oklahoma speak like the Oklahomans do."

Anyhow, this is what I came up with. Please click on the link below the chart and report back in a comment how you did.

My Linguistic Profile::
70% General American English
10% Dixie
10% Upper Midwestern
5% Yankee
0% Midwestern

I found a test about memory loss that I was going to share on this blog but I forgot where it was.

Bonus humor (an old verse that made the rounds several months ago):

Ode to a spell checker

Eye halve a spelling checker
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marks four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot wea.
Eye strike a key and type a word
and weight four it two say
Wheather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea ever wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weigh
My spell checker tolled me sew.


  1. Here are my results

    Your Linguistic Profile:
    70% General American English
    20% Upper Midwestern
    5% Yankee
    0% Dixie
    0% Midwestern

    Apparently Dad is a little more country then me, must be the Utah childhood.

  2. 65% General American English

    15% Upper Midwestern

    10% Yankee

    5% Dixie

    0% Midwestern

    So where am I getting all this yankee and upper midwestern from?

  3. ***Your Linguistic Profile:***

    50% General American English

    20% Dixie

    10% Midwestern

    10% Yankee

    5% Upper Midwestern

    WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN (20% Dixie)???

    What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

  4. I'm...

    75% General American English

    15% Yankee

    5% Upper Midwestern

    0% Dixie

    0% Midwestern

    This was an amusing test... I'm going to make my parents and grandparents take it. :-)

  5. Your Linguistic Profile:
    70% General American English
    15% Upper Midwestern
    10% Yankee
    0% Dixie
    0% Midwestern

    Now I need to get Richard to take this.

  6. Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

  7. Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

  8. You Speak General American English!

    40% General American English

    35% Yankee

    15% Dixie

    10% Upper Midwestern

    0% Midwestern
