Saturday, July 01, 2006

The "Other" Grandma

Tim and Jake's "other" grandma is in town. The reason is, of course, to visit the boys and especially to see Tim perform in Trick's latest recital. It was so exciting to see the progress that Tim has made in the past 2 years.

But of course we're excited to have Marcia visit as well. On one of her recent visits she taught Carolyn how to "faux paint" and together Marcia, Tiffany and Carolyn managed to give a whole new look to our entry way, dining room, and living room.

Well, this time Carolyn is the project and the one with a whole new look. With a package of Revlon "Frost and Glow" and the hands of a professional hairdresser, Marcia gave Carolyn a brand new look. They wanted me to watch so I could do it the next time around but I demurred.

What do you think?

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