This is one view of the beautiful Jolley Ranch camp and picnic grounds up Hobble Creek Canyon above Springville, Utah.

We just returned from a family camp and reunion of my siblings, their spouses, children and grandchildren. All 5 siblings were in attendance at some time during the camp as were all 5 spouses of the siblings. There were 15 children of this group in attendance along with 11 spouses.

And there were 26 grandchildren of the siblings (here we have the Peck twins Ava & Liam with the youngest camper Gavin Loveridge - age 6 weeks). I think that comes to 62 all totaled. Of course they all weren't there at the same time but the majority of them stayed for most of Friday and Saturday.

In addition to wonderful meals prepared be each of the family groups, there were lots of fun activities.

Revabeth had purchased t-shirts for everyone expected at camp and had the fixin's for each person to decorate his or her t-shirt.

There was foam finger painting,

painting with markers and construction paper,

painting and constructing portable sundials, sun-warmed hot air balloons,

a coin and toy search (with the treasure hidden in hay and paper strips,

puzzles, running through the meadows, swinging on the playsets, wading in the creek or playing with the squirt guns. There was virtually something going on for the kids throughout both days.

The adults participated in some of the arts and crafts for the kids as well as learning how to sew quilt blocks and fire small arms at the nearby shooting range. A couple of us even searched for and found a geocache which had been placed in our camp area since the last time we were here.

Revabeth had secured DNA sample collection kits for those adults who wanted to participate in a study by the
Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation to add our DNA to the 50,000 people who have already registered their DNA with the Foundation.

Probably the best thing about the whole camp is that everyone was in relatively good health before, during, and as we left camp; no one had any serious accidents; and we had lots of time to visit and swap stories.