Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Utilitarian means meeting the direct needs of, useful. I think it should also refer to utility companies such as the telephone company or the water company. Because when they do a job it is strictly utilitarian. It happens less frequently now with all the wireless phones but the cable company still does it. You know, you need an outset that is two walls away from the outside wall where the cable connection to the outside world is. And the company gladly agrees to wire the outlet for you. When he's done you can see every inch of the cable because it is stapled in the most visible corner of the room between the ceiling and walls.

Well, our neighborhood recently converted from unmetered water service to metered water service. Our water meter (see above picture) was installed 15 years ago when the house was built. It was installed in the driveway apron conveniently accessible for the water company and out of our way and out of our sight. When we began metered service, the water district simply had to start reading our pre-installed meter. But our immediate neighbor to the north had to have a meter installed.

We thought something was up when we saw all the pretty graffiti on our street. I guess each of the utility companies comes in before any digging begins and marks their territory with spray paint warning everyone where NOT to did.

But the job the water company did is priceless. The new water meter is smack dab in the middle of the neighbor's front lawn making it almost impossible to hide or camouflage with plantings. I guess they could paint it green. Now if that isn't UTILITARIAN I don't know what is.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you could just move the giant tree a bit further north and then no one would see the house at all.
