Sunday, April 05, 2009

Beware of car painters operating in Costco parking lot

It's been almost a year since Tiffany smoothly and rapidly backed her car out of her driveway, forgetting to look behind her and, more importantly, to notice that my car was parked behind her. The first picture below was taken to document the bump, slight indentation of the bumper, and the paint scraped off the bumper.

Recently, while trying to find a parking space at Costco (even the handicap parking was overloaded) a man approached us and offered to give us a bid on fixing & painting it. We parked, he parked close to us, and ran over to give us a bid again. We finally accepted his offer and went off to eat a Polish dog.

This picture was taken after his paint job. As you can see, he was somewhat clumsy about straightening out the bumper material, and forgot to mask the foglight. All in all, it looks like the kind of job I might accomplish. At least I didn't have to take it to some shop. He did the complete job while we were in Costco having lunch and shopping.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe I can run into him (no pun intended) the next time I am up there. Suzy and I backed into one another last Thursday while both trying to quickly run kids off to various activites. Darn cul-de-sac!
