Saturday, April 04, 2009

Gardening 2009

I don't get down in the dirt much myself anymore, mainly because it's so darn hard to get back up again. But that doesn't mean I don't enjoy the look and smell of a good garden as well as the fruits and vegetables that might come from the garden.

It was thus with delight that I saw Carolyn digging and turning our three raised bed gardens. I wasn't too excited about the sweet peas she planted first (those little green things in the soil in the picture above. But she redeemed herself by buying (and hopefully planting) a couple of tomato plants and cucumber plants. We think we have it planned to the day when everything will ripen - the day we take off to go to the Baldwin Family Camp in Arizona. By the time we get back all there will be is just dead plants and scorched earth. But we will have tried.


  1. Funny you say that because the same thing is happening to my parents. They left on a month long trip and all their papayas are ripening. I think this is the first real crop Ed has had. So sad :(

  2. It may happen to us as well. The people taking care of the chickens and our cat will indeed be very lucky!
