Monday, September 04, 2006

Under the microscope

I have been asked to participate in a blog study. Halle M. Aten, a graduate student at Alliant International University in connection with her doctoral program is undertaking an interesting study of blogs and the bloggers who blog them. The following two paragraphs come from the informed consent that is required nowadays for any human study to make sure we human subjects are not harmed in any way.

I understand that this confidential study involves research that will be conducted by Halle M. Aten, M.A., a doctoral student in clinical psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant International University in Los Angeles, California, as part of a dissertation project. I have been asked to participate in this study because I have a weblog (“blog”) published on the Internet, and I am over the age of 18.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between existing measures in clinical and developmental psychology. I am aware that although I may not directly benefit from this study, my participation in this project will benefit Halle M. Aten, M.A., in her pursuit of a doctoral degree, and the overall field of psychology in broadening the scope of knowledge present in the literature. I understand that my participation in this study will involve giving permission to use my “blog” as data, the completion of one demographic questionnaire, and the completion of one other measure. I am aware that my involvement is expected to take approximately twenty minutes of my time.

Even more interesting are the questions in this survey. After a half dozen questions to determine age, sex, education, etc. of the blogger, the following 18 open-ended questions are asked as "complete the sentence" questions:

1. When a child will not join in group activities
2. Raising a family
3. When I am criticized
4. A man's job
5. Being with other people
6. The thing I like about myself is
7. My mother and I
8. What gets me into trouble is
9. Education
10. When people are helpless
11. Women are lucky because
12. A good father
13. A girl has a right to
14. When they talked about sex, I
15. A wife should
16. I feel sorry
17. A man feels good when
18. Rules are

These sound like the kind of questions you'd find in a book called "How To Start A Conversation With A Stranger". How this is going to tell anything about the blogger or the blogging community puzzles me. But they're at least interesting questions. How would you answer them?

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