Monday, March 12, 2007

Daylight saving time

Leave it to the government to mess with a good thing, this time creating a "mini-Y2K crisis". By now you've all suffered through yet another switch to Daylight Saving Time. I use the word "suffer" because losing either an hour of daytime activity or nighttime sleep is a bit of a sacrifice. I won't repeat all the details about Benjamin Franklin's first proposing Daylight Saving Time or the various configurations it has gone through including this latest version as part of the United States Energy Policy Act of 2005. You can find the gruesome details on or Wikipedia if you want to do a report in school. Snopes even includes a description of a cute prank that one newspaper editor pulled on his readers regarding "saving" daylight time.

The "mini-Y2K crisis" I mentioned, occurred because we are so used to computers making life easier for us we want the computers to remember to automatically change all our clocks as well. Indeed, I was pleasantly surprised this year to find out how many of the clocks in our house did change automatically. They did this because they were connected to a phone or TV network, a properly programmed computer, or by radio to a central time stations. But at least according to one systems programmer we know, it didn't go smoothly everywhere. He had to deal with "dueling servers" each of which wanted to control the network time.

1 comment:

  1. right I have this very expensive phone with a pocket pc. it's really awful in a lot of ways samsung 170. anyway, I couldn't download this upgrade so I tried to manually change the time. It changed back. Finally, I changed the time zone to another one (not the one I live in) but It made the time correct and hopefully that will be ok. I'm sure there must be lots of other glitches over this.
