Saturday, February 16, 2008

False Spring

We're currently in the middle of a delightfully warm spell of weather. Some call it false Spring, a warming that tells you to get outside, turn over the soil, and get a start on your garden. Carolyn gets out every chance she can get which means about every time it isn't raining or freezing. I'm a little more careful in my choice of outdoor work weather.

I've planted things this early and they just don't grow because the average temperature isn't high enough nor is there enough sunshine. But a couple of things we can do is prune trees and use winter spray for pests. I worked on our little pomegranate tree which gave us over a dozen ripe pomegranates last year. I'd like to train the little guy to be a tree rather than a bush so I cut out all but 5 or 6 ground shoots and trimmed them of any side shoot until over 4 feet.

Carolyn, as I said, took advantage of false spring to prune and dress the rose bushes which hang on our purple arbor.
I couldn't mow the lawn yet even if it did need it because its so squishy in many places.

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