Sunday, February 03, 2008

Goodie Box

When I told Carolyn that I had finished importing all our CDs and cassette tapes into iTunes for downloading onto our iPods, she asked, "Have you looked through the grey box in the library closet?"

I didn't even know or remember that there was a box in that closet. After emptying the box and doing a little sorting through, I took the above picture. Talk about a grab bag. There were no less than 8 cassette players, 7 AC adapters, 5 headsets, and a couple dozen tapes in various shape. It looks like maybe half of the cassette players are usuable and most of the headsets. The AC adapters all work but none of them produce the stated output voltage - they're all higher. I'm always afraid of ruining something unless the voltages match perfectly.

As for the cassette, there was two, maybe three that I wouldn't mind spending the time importing into iTunes. Carolyn might want a few others saved and she might have to do them.

Always interesting to see what we still have stored here.

1 comment:

  1. I guess that I come by my storage habits honestly then.
